Dymentum Health Careers >> Radiology Technician Services
Radiology Technician Services
Title:Radiology Technician Services
Location:(MDC), Brooklyn located at 80 29th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11232.



The contractor will normally work Monday through Friday (except Federal holidays), normally between the hours of 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM, with a 30 minute unpaid lunch period. A session will equal to one (1) hour. The facility is expected to require (1) assistant, each will provide an average of eight (8) sessions per day. The Dental Assistant's schedule shall not exceed 30hours per week. The actual hours of work will be determined by the Health Services Administrator.

Education and Experience


  1. contract employee shall be fully licensed to perform radiological procedures by the American Registry of Radiology Technologist. employee should also be licensed by the state of New York. He/She must have at least two or more years of


experience. Background clearance packets submitted by potential contractor employees shall be accompanied by a certified or photo static copy of their current license.


The Contractor must be Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation certified, in accordance with the American Red Cross of American Heart Association. The contractor must possess and submit with their quotation, evidentiary documentation of their graduation from an accredited school of radiology technology. In the case of a company, the qualified individual selected to perform these services on behalf of the contractor must be identified at the time the quotation is submitted.


Verification of credentials (state licensed if applicable federal licensed).

Proof of Insurance

Verify certification in CPR



  1. contractor shall provide the following Radiology Technologist services which include, but are not limited to, the items listed below. refore, the contractor shall be capable of performing any and all radiology procedures needed without any technical support. current radiological equipment provided at the MCC NY is a digital machine and knowledge of digital equipment is required.
  2. routine radiologic procedures ordered by the medical staff for the inmate population at the MCC NY. Transmit, retrieve X-ray images and reports electronically, and scan reports into inmates Bureau Electronic Medical Record (BEMR). Receive training to retrieve radiographic consults from BEMR and schedule them to perform all radiographic procedures.

Function in other duties commensurate of a Radiologic Technologist such as performing Electrocardiogram (ECG) testing. Work with an inmate population from a variety of cultural, racial, religious and ethnic backgrounds.

Evaluate radiographic equipment for calibrations and repairs. Possess knowledge of basic emergency situations that may occur



during special radiographic procedures.

Schedule exams and maintain records and keep logs for all exposures.

Maintain responsibility for Dosimeter badges and ensure to change them quarterly.

Possess knowledge of various pathological abnormalities as demonstrated by radiographic imaging and notify Clinician STAT. Independently assess and select technical exposure factors and positions necessary to obtain a proper quality diagnostic exam. Receive patients and explain procedures to alleviate undue anxiety.

Independently perform all radiographic procedures; i.e., chest, bone, skull, spines, and portable x-rays, etc.

Notify Radiologist, or referring Physician of any preliminary abnormalities seen while patient is undergoing an exam, so that additional views, or exams can be ordered if needed.

Coordinate transfer of patient radiologic records to ensure continuity of care.

Work with Clinical Director to ensure monitoring and evaluation activities are completed.

Act as liaison between Radiologist and medical staff.

Receive training and orientation and comply with correctional techniques as they pertain to medical services.

Develop a working knowledge of the MCC’s medical protocols.

Wear outer protective clothing and obey CDC universal precautions at all times.



 Professionals who take pride in their work and want to be appreciated for their efforts are encouraged to apply! In exchange for our staff members’ dedication and expertise, we are proud to offer a team environment and competitive compensation packages with an opportunity to establish rewarding careers. If you fit this description and would like to be considered for this position, please apply online by visiting https://dymentumhealth.applicantstack.com/x/openings. Feel free to e-mail us at hr@dymentumhealth.com if you have any additional questions. We would love to hear from you!

If you do not find interest in this opportunity but know of someone who may, we kindly ask that you refer the individual to
Dymentum Health by forwarding this job posting.

Dymentum Health is a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business with its corporate office located in the Washington DC Metropolitan area. Dymentum Health provides worldwide support to the Department of Defense as well as Commercial clientele with staffing of qualified professionals in the fields of Information Security, Technology, Administrative and Health Care Services.

We are an equal opportunity employer and make employment decisions without regard to race, gender, disability or protected veteran status. 

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